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The Rut Is On,


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Was out earlier this evening after foxes, as one of the guys on the farm keeps ducks, and he's heard a fox during the evening last night...so, thought I'd try and intercept it as it seemingly came down through the turnip fields...so, got all laid out, and waited, was almost falling asleep at about half 8, when i thought I saw a flash of red...and thought it was the fox...looked through the binos, ..nope, was a buck and a doe that had jumped from the field next door. the buck was chasing the doe, obviously on the rutt. and I couldn't get a shot at all. Eventually, the Doe jumped back over the fence into the high grass, leaving the Buck to feed on the turnip tops. After about 20 mins, i got a shot from about 120 yds, and took it, clean in and out the neck, dropped on the spot. Gun is a Remy 700 SPS in .243, ammo was 90gr Privi. If you look midway below the ear you'll see the entry point. It's got a not bad head too...and it was heavy too, in prime condition.....the drag back to the car was quite difficult as its up and down a small valley. BUT, all done now, and well pleased..Another great night at the farm, back for the fox tomorrow night.




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Thanks guys, I am fair chuffed actually...this is the first time I had the confidence to do a neck shot on a Roe....I just stayed calm, and relaxed,,,which is hard for me..LOL ....but it certainly wont be the last neck shot.. :)


That one makes 6 Bucks this season....hopefully be adding a stag to the list in August... :)


Unfortunately, I didnt get out tonight for the foxes...daughter and her family heading home to Florida tomorrow, and I'm having to do family stuff...but the second they step on that plane.... :)

Edited by Norrie
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