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First trip out with CZ452


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Yesterday I bought myself a lovely CZ 452 varmint from icarusyankee625 ( nice bloke! ) and decided to take it out on one of the golf courses I have permission on ( mainly as the course has a small driving range ŵith 50, 75 , 100, 125 and 150 yards already marked out, perfect for checking zero! ) As it was primarily a zeroing trip I left the buggys alone and went out on foot.... Big mistake as I'd only made two holes before I couldn't carry any more bunnies! The total for last night was 41 bunnies and a Charlie ( cheeky ****** was following me around trying to grab a bunny from the pile I'd left at the side of the course ) Usually I shoot this particular course with an air rifle as there are hundreds of rabbits on it and they aren't spooked by the buggy but last night on foot I was able to shoot a few areas that I previously hadn't had any luck on mainly due to being very exposed. The pic is from the first two holes , after that I couldn't juggle rabbits, rifle, sticks, lamp etc and is of just what I was carrying at the time, at this point I'd got another four rabbits 300 yards or so back and couldn't be ***** to trudge back to them for a group photo!


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Just to play devils advocate a bit (and I am not criticising you for shooting the fox) - why would you want to shoot a fox on a golf course when your main role is to control bunnies - as Mr Fox will also help control bunnies as well...?

By all means play Devils advocate! its an open forum


Firstly Im paid to shoot bunnies, and also get a good price from a local butcher so sorry charlie, there mine! , secondly one side of the golf course is 100 acres of woodland and 1500 of my buddies poults and thirdly on the other side of the course is a farm with free range chickens and 800 acres of crop id like to shoot on in the future so by letting them know im next door shooting charlie im hoping to score brownie points and lastly the cheeky sod was 3o feet away from me whilst I was holding my new toy!

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By all means play Devils advocate! its an open forum


Firstly Im paid to shoot bunnies, and also get a good price from a local butcher so sorry charlie, there mine! , secondly one side of the golf course is 100 acres of woodland and 1500 of my buddies poults and thirdly on the other side of the course is a farm with free range chickens and 800 acres of crop id like to shoot on in the future so by letting them know im next door shooting charlie im hoping to score brownie points and lastly the cheeky sod was 3o feet away from me whilst I was holding my new toy!

All very good reasons lol!

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