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trapper trev

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I hate to think how long I've had mine - ever since they first came out. It came complete, boxed with the external speaker and "megaphone" thingy cone and external power leads. It did fall off the Land Rover while moving many years back which did for the internal speaker so now have to use the external one. The original corvid call was more akin to roosting birds but now it is a single bird which is superb with the camera. It has one particular fox call - the only one I ever use - which is absolutely devastating. Personally, I can see no use for the remote. I have successfully played with a rolled up piece of my late mother's fur hat with added feathers spring mounted on a pecking percy pigeon mechanism set at 100 yards ish using the normal 1.2 Ahr battery with the associated timer set at random. Wicked!

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