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Browning T-Bolt trigger adjustment - help please


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I have recently aquired a Browning T-Bolt in 22 Rimfire. I understand there is a continuing bug bear with the slightly stiff trigger and also as far as I am aware without drilling and spring stretching there is nothing else to do but screw out the trigger adjustment screw in front of the trigger guard to achieve about 3lb.

My question is, do i simply jsut unscrew the screw to its fullest to achieve the lightest pull possible or is there a certain way i should do it? Will the screw fall out if I loosen it all the way out?



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I have no experience with your trigger but for years triggers have been rubbish and influences my choices a lot.

Often lighter springs can replace the factory one.

Try taking it out and measuring it then find a supplier for a lighter wire spring.

Or pull pens and fag lighter apart to salvage possible alternatives.

If you end up happy as is but the grub screw is to far out add a little thread lock to firm the screw.



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I have a Browning T Bolt Hmr - the trigger is a pain but I live with it, the adjuster is in front of the trigger guard - just unscrew it as far as possible - I have used mine with the screw removed & it was fine. I did "lots" of digging/looking into adjusting the trigger to get it as light as my CZ Hmr & came to the conclusion it's not worth the hassle.



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