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A week after the barley was cut the pigeons are still there,but so wer


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But so were a few unwelcome visitors.( lost from heading)

Had a walk around the farm last Tuesday a week after taking 37 off the newly cut barley stubble, I didn't expect to see much, but the birds were still feeding hard on the discarded seed, so I nipped back to the van, grabbed the gun and some decoys and set up in the exact same place, the birds were a little slow at first, but after I made a few adjustments to the hide and decoys, the wind had swung almost 180 degrees in less than an hour, they started dropping in nice and steady, aim was a bit poor for the first few but soon got my eye in and ended up with 20 plus 1 very unlucky rook taking a short cut home straight over the top of the hide, not bad for a day when I didn't expect to see much at all, test will come on Wednesday when the farmer is starting the main harvest of spring barley and wheat, could be a busy few days, fingers crossed, I must remember to take plenty of cartridges , don't want to run out Again ***.

when I went back to the farm the owner told me on another large field of barley while combineing the week before, they disturbed 4 fox, 3 despatched with a rifle , one missed, and also a small herd of roe deer that had set up camp in the centre of the field, eaten about half an acre of barley and had brought in extra supplies of sugar beet from an adjoining field, they were away before anyone could get a line on them but the damage was very costly in lost crop. I will have to think again about applying for my FAC.

I've been putting up roe and muntjac deer quite regularly over the last few weeks as I walk the edges of the crops, Im never tempted to take a pot as I only carry pigeon 6's and wouldn't even think about causing injury or suffering with them, need some real artillery, I don't ever remember seeing so many deer on open farmland before, they seem not to care about you unless you walk in their direction, I can understand why they are causing some headaches for the local farmers.


Edited by lakeside1000
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