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French Pigeon Shooters Raid Kent!!!


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Did anyone else see the article in Friday's Express? It seems French shooters are coming over to farms in Kent and shooting pigeon, butchering them and discarding the remains near the port. One woman was thrown from her horse and injured as they had set their hides up next to bridleways and footpaths, and were shooting as they please. Are they allowed to just pop over and shoot, and are we allowed to just pop over there and shoot. Doe anyone have more in depth info on this? In the article the police seemed very matter of fact.

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Some french men came over and shot pigeons,just like they shoot geese,duck,deer etc,if they had broken any laws they would have been arrested,but the papers have to make a story so they sensationalised it.


As for you shooting abroad fill your boots,deer,boar you name it you can shoot it somewhere.

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