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Encouraging ducks/geese

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My little shoot borders a large reservoir where many ducks and geese are present. Unfortunately there is no pond on my patch but there is a small water jump which the horses used to use which has a natural spring and is about 4m x 4m. I am hoping to persuade the farmer to let me dig it out and extend it a tad next year!


Anyway are there any ways I can encourage ducks to feed on it, or is it far too small in its current state. I have seen a couple of geese last season when I got the patch feeding on the grass field on my bit and also get the odd duck flight over. I guess it's just a question of standing near the resi and hoping that stuff flights over as any kind of feeders wouldn't work to encourage duck/geese onto the land without any real body of water?!

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Ive seen ducks on splashes not much bigger than a bath so there's always hope! As for encouraging them I always start feeding the same weekend as the cla gamefair (end of July) with a bucket of whatever I can sweep out of the grain store, wheat, barley, beans rape or spuds. Never used decoys bit might be worth a try?

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