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black rabbit


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Hello, nice shot skinner black and white rabbits are commen on shots some are domesticated thats been released or check out if theres any local pest control in the area sometime thay release black and whites for indicators thay give them myxomatosis to wipe out others. from pic it looks clearly that no (mixi) can be seen but who knows

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me and two others have access to well over thousand acres all the rabbits this year have been clean of it,thank god,the fog has brought bad news i went to check the farmers birds today out of 120, one was left foxs are nice to look at but when they eat your money they need to be dealt with. :good::blush:

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i think they were grouse not to shore they was quite small and plump,ive baited the area with gone off bacon bits i will try and get the shot on video hopefully tonight.


fb111 your .223, what twist rate is your cz and what bullet weight do you use,i am waiting for variation to come back its been 7 weeks,avonandsomerset police sent me a letter say sorry for delay we are changeing systems so it will be atleast another two weeks for staff training what a ******.

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Guest Patsmash
  Ferretboy111 said:
My twist rate is 1:9, i tend to use 55grn soft nose ammo as its reasonably priced at around £10 for 20.


Off to zero it at TARGETS :lol:.


Not a happy farmer im predicting if partridges have been killed, a big loss. Did he burrow under the fence?



still alot of money to shoot rabbits! .22 rimfire is the only gun for bunnies in my opinion i bet you hit the **** bag when you made that big hole in him :o Yum Yum

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yes he did somehow he chewed through electric wire,went out last night saw mr fox way to long a shot to drop him cleanly with 17 hmr, going down tonight with the farmer and he is takeing his .375 i cant tell you what he said,but if he is there i will get it on video.

when you say softnose is that ballistic tips?.

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Patsmash, i dont shoot rabbits with my .223 centerfire, only foxes. :o


I use my .17hmr for rabbits!


Softnose points are basically lead on the end for maximum shock, more internally, not ballistic tips, they are more expensive and make more of a mess of the culprit, my friend buys them for £18 for 20.






Good luck, atleast you have spotted him!

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Guest Patsmash

just seems a bit of over kill to me judging by the size of the hole in the side of that rabbit with a .22 rimmy you would have trouble finding were you shot it and i have shot them out to 120 yards. cartridges are cheap as chips aswell :lol:

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  skinner said:
shot this one last night. =http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/gtturbo2006/SP_A0025.jpg.http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/gtt...P_A0025.jpg.130 130 yrds i love this rifle.http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/gtturbo2006/SP_A0025.jpg.

dont no why its not working.


:lol: stop shooting the monks[ scotland] thank-you. merry xmas.

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