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Realtree Hardwoods jacket for sale


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here I have my old Realtree woodlands Camo jacket. I bought this years ago but as its got a rain proof pvc outer shell it isnt a silent coat to wear so has been hung in my woardrobe for years.


I dug it out today when digging other bits out to advertise on here and thought I might as well advertise it only to find a tear several inches long in it.. no idea how it got there as the jackets never really been used but its there and can be seen in the photos below.


size is XXL and fits my 50" frame perfectly. even though its had very little use (i'm guessing 3 or 4 times) due to its being a few years old and due to the tear im after a tenner plus delivery so i'm guessing £16.00 in total. bank transfer or plus fees for paypal.










here is the tear its a few inches long in total



Edited by kiffy
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