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Attacks on hunters

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I went on the the Airgunners bbs notice board and there has been attacks on shooters by so-called "Tree-Huggers" One shooter was beaten up and his shotguns stolen from him! Has any -one else heard of this? FACT OR FICTION? This has made me quite scared cause i shoot in an area is`nt far from houses and a busy golf range  :sly:  :grumpy:  8)  :but:

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I have never been attacked but when I say i shoot at school i sometimes get some funny looks! :=)

I once had a right go at a girl who refused to awnser my question on a talk I had to do for school acoring to the "TREE HUGGERS" the pigeons are broght down by shotguns and then beaten or stamped on  so she was telling me so I replied in nicest way I could and sayed "bull****" the teacher being a country lad him self dident stir and I later showed her and the class a video of a deer being shot by my uncle with one shot to its heart it fell with out a blink :)

    I felt quite pleased with my self.


p.s I dident relly use that language in class and after the talk had finished the teacher was pretty intrested :sly:

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Well i was slapped across the face by my now x girlfriend cause i was talking about shooting erm..that was fun! Most people around here dont beleive that shotguns are legal (with a lisence)they are totaly ignorant.When i told my careeres teacher that i wanted to do something involved with shooting he just said " Just dont come back and wipe us all out remember i was good to you!"   which i thought was a bit dis-tastefull cause of the insodent in Germany and Dumblain. any way.......

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Well I told mine I wanted to a deer mangement course
And boy did she looked at me funny and lauged so I asked her what was so funny and she soon shut up! and to make It worse all my outher mates said they wanted info on the course LOOK WHOS LAUGHING NOW! :laugh:

P.S if she had said that to me I would told her how afended I was and make her say sorry :P



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