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Saturday in Cambridge


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Back to the farm in Burwell today and with a gentle wind I knew it was going to be quiet. There were a few in the air but not many and the flight line looked very empty. I set-up with the wind to my rear against a hedge and close to a neighbours field that had seemed to be popular over the last few weeks. Normal patter with 16 FUDS, four full bodied shells and two bouncers. I tried a new cartridge as the gun shop did not have my normal Gamebore Clearpigeon - RC SIPE 32g no 6.


First bird appeared from nowhere right in front of me - just sat there. As soon as I raised the gun he was up heading to my left and soon came down to earth with one shot. Slightly high so winged him but quickly dispatched with the priest. The second was a few minutes later right to left and again line shot slightly high and winged. The second was about 25 yards out so note was made..... the third was 45 minutes later coming to me from the right heading to the left and again one shot but this time bob on. The fourth and fifth where again slightly high but bagged. That was it - I walked the hedges but little was moving. Loads of Partridge but those are reserved for the shoot. Did come across a large buck rabbit sat on the edge of the field which was a little way off but dropped with two shots... Big buck in his prime but Mixy was starting to show and when I felt his guts they felt like they where full of gravel...... I left him for Mr Fox.


QUESTION - I did come across about eight Partridge all with their heads missing - now I thought fox or stoat but would welcome any suggestions.


Not the busiest of days but any day out with the gun is a good day.


Six Wood Pigeon and one buck rabbit.

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