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Some Advice If Poss ESS


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Right then,


I have decided after much deliberation on an ESS. I dont want a puppy as I am not to keen on the pain you have to go through in the first few months (having got a 12 year Lab already) so we have found a very respectable Kennels that has a couple of year old pre trained dogs. One is almost fully trained, the other about 50%. We like the 50% er.


Now it has been suggested that we keep in a cage for at least 2 weeks to house train him and get him used to his surroundings, not got a problem with that. It has also been suggested that he should always live in the cage. Now as we want the dog as a house pet too I want him to be out of the cage in two weeks to join the family. I am assuming this is ok?

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I have an ESS who lives indoors with me unless I am at work or out for the day and he then has a kennel and run in the garden.

I do not see how keeping him in a cage will house train him, you need to let him explore and tell him NO when he does any wrong. And also if he goes to pee or poo in the house you need to get him out quickly, he will soon learn.


My advice about the trained ones is get the trainer to show you what they will do and then see if you can do the same BEFORE you buy.


I have seen some trainers that there dogs will only work for them and to anyone else they may as well be an untrained pup.


The 50% one will obviously not be complete but should hunt freely but not to far away, sit and stay on command and stop on the whistle. Recall may be iffy as he may not trust you straight away. He should also sit to shot and be reasonably steady.


Hope this helps

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Thanks for the advice. The trainer is certainely good and I trust his advice, he rights for Sporting Gun. the cage method is meant to be good to house train them. According to the trainer new dogs should be kept in the cage when your not at home or at night for the first two weeks. Its a good way to toilet ttrain them too appraently.


I saw the dog working today and it was with someone he had not worked with before and he fine.

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