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winchester 1200 pump action

Guest snowy1977

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Guest snowy1977

Quick question for you chaps.now then since I was a kid my dad taught me correctly that your gun should be cleaned everytime you use it,then the army taught me the same thing again so what's the crack with the 1200s bolt and it apparently being self cleaning?i just don't get it,how does it self clean exactly?feels wrong to oil it and leave it to sort itself out.surely it must collect some crud in its life with all that gas,carbon,oil,dust flying about.anyone out there think and feel the same?or am i overthinking

it and should forget it!

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Guest snowy1977

That's what I thought bud,no way could it sort itself out forever.theres nothing in the manual about cleaning or even how to remove the bolt for cleaning.looks like ill have to search the net for some instruction to strip it out.the guns been around since the 60s so possibly 40 odd years of muck in it!tho it does work flawlessly I must say.

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