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Shooting in Kyoto Japan, Help !!!


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Hi guys


I'm working in Kyoto japan for 20 days from the 6th Jan and I was looking to do some shooting out there but from what I read and Google apparently any type of shooting out there is like rocking hoarse ****, you need a licence for an air rifle or so im told, does anyone know of any tourist ranges or is there a branch of pigeon watch out there lol ?

I know its a long shot but any help would be good I've got three weekends to kill.

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I've already done the food recon and found the local mcdonalds and subway lol, I learnt my lesson many years ago in china when I lived on rice for a month and never had a solid movement in my hole stay, I work all over the world except mainland USA ( were all the good guns are and toys that I could bring back ) so I'm used to rubbish food , plus the wife's a **** cook so I don't get much better when I'm home ( don't tell her I said that )

I'm off to Russia for the whole of May and the shooting there is awesome, I saw some ex military night vision scopes and some folding AK stocks at a bargain price last time I was there so I may bring a few home.

But cheers for looking for me guys

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