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reloading basic questions.....

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Got dies for the 204 yesterday so playing around tonight,,now just to ease your minds I've got a mate who is going to show me the ropes so this is just playing to see what I'm gttn wrong,,,

Set first neck die ,,shell holder to btm of die lock off adjust pin,,hey presto primer out,,, neck now measuring .227

Seated die ,,,sized case till die touches then back quarter, then factory shell,, adjust depth till it touches,,,,

So take case put in head,, raise press but bullet is still loose.... So what am I missing.....neck is .226 ,,so I'm guessing more crimp needed,,,,,over to you all.....

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The instructions for my lee dies say to screw the die in until it touches the case holder, lower the "ram" and screw die in a bit further (1/4 to 1/2 turn iirc).


Assuming you have the same sort of thing (a collet), the case holder pushes the collet up into a taper which squeezes the case.


If the cases haven't been fired in your rifle, I'd full length size them instead first time around. They might not fit yours if they were fired in someone else's (remember the neck sizer just sizes the neck)


It's possible the brass is too hard / soft and isn't staying the size your die intended but if it's once fired I doubt that's your problem. Double check your instructions but my guess is the die isn't down far enough to do its stuff. The decapping pin can also be modified slightly (thinner) to make bullets tighter but, again, I doubt that's your problem.

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If you have a press that cams over then you don't need to wind it in just till it contacts the die.


I had bother with my 22 hornet collet die sticking together worth a strip down and clean. And a bit of light oil on the out side of the collet.

I will recomend you get a uneversal de capping die, they are not expensive about £15 or less s/h

Then you can clean your cases before you put them in your shiny dies.

All the best


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