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I introduced mine to gunshots at our local clay ground when he was 6months old, after 10 mins sitting in the back of the truck with him listening to gunfire 100yrds away I slowly walked up through the full clay ground and then back to the truck,,


after doing this twice through the clay ground he was not bothered whatsoever by the sound of the guns,,so much so I even sat with him on a stand behind two guns and he sat there happy as larry as they fired away at the clays,


hes 10months now and is coming on really well but play is an important part


atb Evo

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Gunfire from anything but the smallest of guns / blanks (at a distance) should be avoided in a puppy, never use a 12 ga for first exposure, clay ground prove only your dog don't care it can just as easily set you back, damage to a newly formed or yet to form "Symathetic membrane?" that might be the wrong name but it exists and can be damaged by too loud a noise too early and will if this damage occurs it will forever create pain in the dogs ear at loud noises, its not worth the gamble. Read the books from the guys who know what the heck they are talking about, you wont find any suggesting take your puppy to the range :yes:

At the end of the day there is no earthy reason I can think of to fire a 12 ga over a yet to be trained puppy of under say a year so it wont be so why do it? shooting with a ported choke around my current Lab came close to spoiling him- if I hadn't the wit to notice the early signs! Then act upon it immediately and he was about 14mnths and had been through much cautious and steady gunfire exposure, in deed he would run towards the sound of any gun being fired if given the chance. Half asleep in a duck hide and taken by surprise with that ported choke an a few random HP steel shells certainly put him on edge mind :innocent:

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I have a six month old cocker bitch I've done nothing but play and enjoy this little darling,

just started a little sit stay and calling up with whistle

Surprised how much easier it is when the dog just wants please you

The Joe orvain book is very good I used it to train my first to sprinters

Enjoy the new pup and I'm sure all will be ok

all ways try and stay calm and remember there just baby's and don't know any better at first

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