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death penalty


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You are so right - I cannot subscribe to the view "beyond all reasonable doubt" when it comes to the death penalty - a life for a life is the law of the jungle and has no place in any civilised society.


I agree that a convicted murderer is outwith civilised society but that is no excuse for descending to their level.


The whole life term - which means exactly that - given to one of Fusilier Lee Rigby's killers means that person will spend the rest of his life behind bars with no hope of release - and I suspect his life will be a living hell. The other has been sentenced to 45 years before any review and that is almost as final.


In view of the evidence that led to their conviction, there is almost no chance that they will ever have a successful appeal and, if I were a betting man, I cannot envisage any situation in the future [sentencing will only get tougher] where any Home Secretary will review their cases and set them free.


Other convictions for murder are not so clear cut so, like it as one may, the death penalty is just not option - some may not approve of that, but that is what living in a civilised country means. If they do not like it, go to China or an ever decreasing number of States in the US, and a number of other pretty grim places, where the death penalty still applies......

well said

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However the Romans used the death penalty a lot?

Does that mean the country was uncivilised? No it was extremely civilised for the time.



I would say that it was anything but civilised. Unless of course you argue that capturing people, beating them, then making them fight to the death is civilised. Besides that, the fact that their empire ruled over a thousand years ago is hardly fantastic grounds to point out how good the death penalty is, i would hope that most people could move on a little bit from what we did back then.

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Y......................................................... and I suspect his life will be a living hell.


like it as one may, the death penalty is just not option - some may not approve of that, but that is what living in a civilised country means.



So, being a devils advocate, a "living hell" is civilised and ending the life of a murderer isnt - is that what living in a 'civilised' country means ?

For you the death penalty isnt an option for others, myself included, given 100% guilt, its the way forward.

I dont think I am uncivilised just unwilling to allow killers any life beyond killing.

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However the Romans used the death penalty a lot?

Does that mean the country was uncivilised? No it was extremely civilised for the time.



yeah if you like feeding Christians to lions your case looks weak at best but a nice try, i better not use the c word again or they will lock the topic :lol:

Edited by overandunder2012
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