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Licence for Youngster


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My lad is 9 and wanting to shoot with me when I go. Should I go ahead and get him a licence applied for? I know he can't own a gun at his age but is it best practice to sign him up anyway AND get him to to join CP(T?)SA or BASC. If he applies for a licence but has no gun will he still get the Police visit?



Apologies I have posted this in wrong place. Can someone in the know move it to appropriate place ?! Ta

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Are we talking SGC (shotgun certificate) or FAC (Firearm Certificate)?

The minimum age for a firearm certificate is higher then that of shotgun certificate ownership.


Due to his (young) age, you could consider buying a .410 or 20bore shotgun to learn with if you wish to take the shotgun route, and for now keep it on your certificate, so that he can use it under your supervision.


As you can not own a gun without a licence, yes you will still require a firearms officer to have an interveiw with you and your son, prior to getting a certificate. You will have to have a safe in place before the visit. (unless you share safes of course).




I would also like to suggest, that joining BASC will not only cover him for any injures, but it will also give future shooting possibilitys as a youngster. Even if you do not own a gun, its good to have insurance while taking part in all shooting activities.

In most countries its actually a legal requirment, its odd not to be in effect in Health&Safety Britain

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Well said hunter, one small point is the personal cover provided by BASC/CPSA isn't worth anything, it's the 3rd party cover you are paying for really. If you were wanting personal accident cover it would pay to have something on top...

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