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I have just found out about this and If it stars in wales who knows were it might end.You don't have to fish or live in wales or even live the UK to support this. All you need to do is go one line and fill it in and just disagree or agree but you can add a statement if you wish.




If you value the future of fishing on Welsh Rivers please respond to the questionnaire from NRW. Download the document here http://naturalresourceswales.gov.uk/our-work/consultations/our-own-consultations/consultation-nrw-salmon-stocking-hatcheries/?lang=en#.U3r-4V79Pd4.


We have attached a number of submitted questionnaires, which are for guidance only, and we hope you can adapt these for your personal responses. The responses do not have to be as intricate as those attached a simple disagree with a brief reason why will suffice.


NRW are proposing to close their hatcheries and to stop the stocking of salmon and sea trout by all other hatcheries in Wales.


Hatcheries serve a very specific purpose. They are an insurance policy against decimation of salmon and sea trout from disease, climate change and pollution. Stocking is the only real alternative to a declining wild salmon and sea trout population.


As we all know the catch returns on our rivers in Wales have in general been in decline for the last twenty years. We feel the obvious answer to this is stocking.



We would urge you to respond swiftly to the NRW questionnaire, the deadline for responses is 27th May, as the future of our rivers is under threat from a body whose remit is to maintain and improve our natural resources.

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Happily take my 70 odd quid a year to fish for migratory fish, but won't keep the only good thing they do for them going.


Submitted!!! I've put on the survey that if this goes ahead I will not be renewing my migratory fish rod license. It's absurd!!

Edited by Fal
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