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What gun is this?


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Why do you ask HDAV ? Are you buying one ;)

After the experience of shooting it .........







One for sale at Orston shooting ground saw someone part exchange it today don't know price but only 600 shells



Surprised they managed that many TBH

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They seem to be very popular guns, what didn't you like about them?

They do hence why I was so keen to try it, shot 25 DTL with it breaks were chippy at best, action trapped my finger twice, felt uncomfortable and unsettled when firing totally different to my normal weapon of choice, came up really nice fitted well but actually firing it not nice....


In short for £2k. More than I paid for my current stick... No ta.


I certainly don't believe the hype, I can't afford to chance £2k on getting used to it in time and it did nt give me that "must have" feeling, infanct totally underwhelmed.


Thanks dibs what's the difference between that and the "trap" model ? The rib ?

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Was it the one in the picture that you tried out, as adjusting the comb is crucial for your own personal fit.

You probably know it takes time to get use to a gun as well :)

It was and I shouldered it and was smack on centre rib to my eye, better than my current choice which isn't a perfect fit. It's the first time I had tried a high rib and I may have needed more time to play but it didn't feel any better (worse in fact)


Perhaps I am overly concerned by the empowers new clothes syndrome...... But if you want £2k of hard earned your going to have give me something tangible.....



Lets face it I can keep that photo to look at my current to shoot and the money in my pocket .....

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yep the rib is slightly different the trap has a higher rib than the sporting.


Both models can be shot for sporting though depending how much heads up position you want. I had this conversation with Mike at Guerini and with the adjustable rib you can set either to shoot where you want.


They do take some getting used to, saying that I shot a PB at sporting with a Guerini AT first time out earlier in the year! but had messed with other hi rib guns before that.

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I'm in the process of changing the use of my trap gun, as I've not used it since Christmas for a reg shoot.

Lol I haven't shot my sporter since jan, shot my first reg trap last weekend! Trying to find another is a challenge...

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