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Duck Decoys

bobby b

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debateable if paint finishes make a great difference (sometimes I use solid black mallard and they draw very well indeed, far better than drab brown under the right circumstance). During daylight finish might make a tiny difference though early season bright tidy drakes are very rare and the reverse might be also correct, as most UK duck shooting is done under failing or poor light you have to view things different from the USA were they must pack in a sunset (the time when most of us here are just starting our wait.

Posture of the deeks in your spread can certainly make a difference to the confidence of incoming birds, the classic high head posture" in all" your decoys means the duck are alert to danger and about to spring. Having a few sleepers and one or two on bankside feeding etc looks highly natural and draws well in my experience

By far and away the most important thing is being in the right place at the right time and if you get that bit 100% spot on and stay still, quiet and well hidden all the deeks do is set the shots up for you better in range at good angles of fire.


So I don't feel there are any best quality decoys to buy. I have various including a lot of home made silhouettes, suction keels, weighted and aqua keels all have their place - likewise the way they are rigged set up are different depending on application.


I think the best thing you could use at the start of the season might be some roughed up tatty looking deeks, if you looking for realism as the winter plumage is normally not fully in till later :good:

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I think Kent nailed it. I use the ghg decoys and they work a treat for me because the only times I decoy ducks is late in the season when the birds are generally in full plumage and always through the day. I started off with tatty old decoys bought second hand as it was all I could afford but I have slowly built up a collection of ghg decoys in different postures and I would definitely say that in daylight hours they work better.

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