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Gun Cabinets


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Hi, I have recently applied for my FAC, I currently have my SGC. My gun cabinet holds two guns and is full so need to buy a new one.


My current cabinet locks using keys, a friend (who dosen't have a FAC) has suggested that I may have to have a vault type lock on the cabinet.


Is this corect

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Not as far as I'm aware - I've seen plenty of cabinets which lock using keys - the majority of them in fact.


Do you have any kind of special or out-of-the-ordinary circumstances which might make your FEO insist on a "vault-type lock" (by which I think you mean a combination lock) such as living in a communal flat with a known kleptomaniac or the like? :)


As long as you can keep your rifle ammo locked up separately from the rifle you should be fine. It's acceptable to have an ammo safe within the cabinet for this requirement.

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Got the ammo safe already, so Im good with that. I'm going to sell my cabinet as its now not big enough, so Im looking at a 54" x 10" depth to hold as many guns as my budget will allow.


I have my eye on a couple local to where I live.

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Multiple locking points are required hence 2 locks the BS standard applies to both section 1 & 2 firearms storage however sect 1 ammo must be locked away unlike section 2 shells, and deprecate from the guns.


Check the official HO guidance don't rely on the options of people on the Internet it is the cert holders responsibility to store the guns in accordance with the law and FEO's can be wrong so make sure you are satisfied you are complying with the law.

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