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dummy training ess..underdoingit/overdoing it???


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How many retrieves should you do while out training a springer?? My springer is 12 months old and i do maybe 3 retrieves a session.I train 5 hours a week and walk the dog a furthur 3 hours a week. Im just interested to hear how much other people train there dogs.. I have been to shoots where there are completely untrained 'gundogs' and have a friend who will go into a field and do 10 retrieves from one spot..


so let me know how much you dummy train your dogs?? or how much retrieve traning everyone does.


Every week the retrieving exercises get more complex as my springer gets bored very easily.


I know its a matter of learning what the dog needs and doesnt but am interested in peoples thoughts.



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When working sight retrieves or blinds, or doing directional drills the dogs may get anywhere from 12 to 30 retrieves in a 45 minutes session, and then another 10 to 20 minutes of just play retrieves where they are not required to sit or wait but can chase as the dummy is thrown. These are known to them as freebies.


It all depends on the dog, how it is feeling that day, whether it is having a problem in a certain area or is getting frustrated. There is no real set number or time, as I said it boils down to the individual dog.



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Maybe every other day i might give her a 2 or 3 retrieves. (or even every 3 days.)

Normally I will get her to sit and place the object in front of her.


A couple of times I will walk up to them and pick them up myself and then finish on a retrieve for the Spaniel to collect.


I know she retrieves very well at present (Well to my standards any way) so I dont over do it at all.


Tonight I placed 5 balls around the garden. got her to sit and then sent her out, quartering her on the whistle

from Right to Left. as soon as she located a ball, called her back to me, gave the Sit command and Dean Command then sent her back out until all 5 balls were collected.


But I am mainly working her on the Sit and Heal commands at present.

She is almost 14 Months old at present.


Great Fun



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Thanks spaniel for the info on local shooting around Bristol. Where in Bristol are you? maybe one evening we could meet up for a training session..one thing my dog hasnt had chance to do yet is train amongst other dogs. This i feel is very neccersary. Let me know and we could maybe organise something. Nick

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