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Anyone with a Hatsan Optima O/U?


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It's not the spring, that spring fits in the bottom of the section and flexes up to hit the little "tab" on the bottom left of the bit marked with the Red dot.


It's the little lip to the left of the screw that's half showing above the frame up from the trigger.


Managed to get it out and it's slightly worn on the front edge causing the existing spring to slip over it instead of resting on top and applying pressure to the assembly to lock it under the hammer block sears.


Tried ringing Edgar Bros. but no answer all day, apparently they may all be off to the CLA.


In case anyone has one knocking about it's stamped "230 5 or S"



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Thanks for that, very useful indeed :D


Yes, I knew about the stock bolt hole :)


Just didn't realise that the spring went in the bottom of the assembly then lifted up and onto the bottom of the "whatever it's called" to keep the block pushed forwards.


There's a post on that thread from VVal on 10-01-2010 16:33 showing pictures of the thing with the same wear problem.


There's also a picture further up from magic898 at 05-01-2010 11:15 showing an unworn one looking nice and square as it should be.




Once again, many thanks for the link, it confirms what I thought the problem is. Just got to get one from Edgar Bros (if they have one!).


Last thieving (insert swear word of your choice) of an RFD I used charged me a £20 "handling fee" for all the paperwork etc. to get me a free firing pin!.

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Indeed, mine is nicely worn :(


Spoke to Tom at Edgar Bros. this morning and he's putting me one in the post so should have it sorted tomorrow :)


I emailed Hatsan for an assembly diagram and they sent a parts list, the bit with the red dot is listed as a "Selector"

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Got the part this morning and fitted it, doesn't work!. Looks like the replacement is also worn, the spring doesn't sit as far onto it as it does on the one in the Russian forum photo, when dry fired the spring drops down the face and jams the selector preventing a second firing.

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