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Fed up of chasing them


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After seeing a few birds on some cut wheat on Saturday, me and the old man decided to have a crack at tHem today. We had a quick look around and there were around 200 on a very big wheat stubble, problem was they were right in a corner where 2 roads meet. My old man decided to try and cut them off in some sitty trees that the pigeons love to use when feeding on this field. I decided to go up the other end of the field where another flight line was coming from.


I spent just over 2 hours there for 12 pigeon. The old man was getting a few shots but the 200 that were there just didn't come back. A few of the army choppers where on training and that was keeping a few birds on the move. Where I was I could see a good chunk of the farm and 1 chopper went over a pea stubble that was cut around 4 weeks ago. We've seen a few birds on there since it's been cut but when they got disturbed the field lifted.


I decided to pack up and head over to the peas. I had cut a hide out when it was drilled and had a good day from it but that was the only time the pigeons had bothered to look at it. When I got there ther was around 50 on there so thought what the heck and put out the 12 that I had shot from the wheat.


The first 5 mins were crazy. I had 8 with 8 shots then it died off again. Dad was still popping away now and again and it kept the birds moving between us. I ended the session on the peas with 20 so not a bad day with 32 and dad with 19.


When I met up with the old man at the end he said a field of spring barley that was across the other side of the hedge from him was lifting when I was shooting the peas. So that's peas, wheat and barley they are on in our little patch. I moved twice today but could have moved a dozen times to try and catch up with them!


Most the birds crops were stuffed with peas, wheat and barley which would make sence as that's what we were seeing them feeding on. I did shoot 1 early in the session with wheat and beach mass in its crop. That is the earliest I have shot one with that in.


So I'm feed up with chasing them now and will leave them until the spring as I will be letting the partridge out soon for our first shoot end of October. The crafty pigeons have outwitted me enough this year but hopefully next year they won't be so lucky!



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