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marsh man

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    country side pursuits, gun dog training

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  1. At the moment , I am smoldering around the seams , I think ole Billy Bell is going to have a sporting lay out , dress with or without clothing , over 75s can wear socks if they wish
  2. No , I was hoping for a better nights sleep after the previous nights image of a naked lady sitting above my head with what little hair I have got left and me gasping for air at the same time , no wonder I am going downhill fast 😛
  3. Would she need extra big air bags while on a flight , or come to think of it , extra small ones , over and out
  4. I wouldn't know Dave , but I couldn't pull the triggers that fast let alone get on to whatever I was firing out , I hope they show you some of the clay shooting on the Olympics , mind you I doubt you would ever see the clay if they shot as quick as that young lady did .
  5. Watched a clip on the news last night about a female clay shooter who I believe is going to the Olympics , she was like grease lightening and when she pulled the triggers the gun didn't look as if it moved , you clay boys + girls will no doubt know who I am talking about . MM
  6. Sorry about getting your name wrong Dave , when I first looked at your user name I thought it said Will # Dave , no wonder I can't hit many Pigeons nowadays 😎 Some farmers locally have tried , or are trying many other ways to make income , only in this mornings paper there was one chap who is doing well by the sound of it , they opened a farm shop in 2021 , since then it have expanded with a restaurant , a butchery , bakery and deli counter , tomorrow is the opening day for a Goat shape Maize maze, he now employs 50 people and he won Star Of The Year at the Farm Retail Awards , so yes some of the farms are putting there land to other uses like fishing lakes and camping sites , and not forgetting some have become well off with new housing sites . MM
  7. Now be honest all you lot that joined in on the thread , were you at first convinced it was either fact or fiction ? , I thought straightaway what a strange thread, but having been on the forum for a good many years nothing surprise me no more
  8. Yes you are right Will , there are still a lot of the ole timers and maybe one or two of the younger ones who still use a vintage combine for the pleasure of it rather than the finance side , but what I was getting at was with the very high cost of todays combine it would b e out of reach for a lot of the small farmers , maybe the medium farms can join forces with there neighbours , or carry on using and maintaining the machine they have already got , what with climate change and it also stated in our paper that farm income was down last year by 10 per cent, it must be quite a stressful job being a farmer nowadays . MM
  9. So the mods do get some perks
  10. I would imagine nowadays with the cost of the modern combine that it would be a loophole for contract combining , trouble is they can only work for around three months each year , but that is also the case with Peas and Sugar beet and these small farmers cannot afford a machine for every crop they grow so I recon that is all ready in force . MM
  11. I was just checking my bus pass to see how near I can get to there camp site , sadly if didn't operate overseas so I was thinking of a Go Fund Me Page , a bit of a laugh whilst it lasted , my last memory was when I was the next one on the thread after the photo of the lady relaxing in her office , you imagine looking up and you could see through the underneath of her settee , at my age it would had finished me off with a smile on my face , or I hope it was only a smile
  12. No doubt when the first five foot headers first came on the scene it might had made the odd farm worker lose his job , although they used several chaps to thrash the corn on the ole belt driver thrashing machine , your 14ft Class might be the one I was thinking about , the chap have retired now but he have still got the combine and it came out every year when he farmed the land , when he got to retiring age the estate took the land back , now they can cut all the corn with the tracked combine before he had done the first cut , many a time he would start 11.30 and as he got near his house his mum would come out and point to her watch as whatever he was doing he had to stop dead on 12 o clock for dinner , he would have his cooked dinner and a glass of sherry to wash it down before he would walk back down the field to jump back on his combine , when he had a load he would drop it off on his small tractor and trailer and take it back to his farm , a load more work in getting it off before he made the return trip to start the process all over again , still he was happy and he looked at it as time was his own and it took as long as it take , can't argue with that . MM
  13. Very interesting Super Goose and I will watch it all on a rough ole afternoon while drinking a strong cup of tea , I have got a few ole books about life on the waterways in the late 1800s to the early 1900s , these were a hardy race and no doubt there were several fishermen / fowlers who shot fowl when they couldn't go to sea in rough weather and also shot fowl when they could go to sea when conditions allowed , that chap looking at the Lobsters near the beginning was one of the well known family in Cromer called Davies who have got a shellfish shop on Garden Street near the Cromer Pier , he used to come on our estate years ago with the Swaffham Hare Causing club , a lovely bloke with a broad Norfolk accent . They had a very hard life , but a life I would had been happy to be a part of . MM
  14. Well at least you had tried mossy , these light nights are slowly pulling in and it won't be long before you would have to finish a bit early and then get a move on to get a couple of hours shooting , we never had any rain today although it is clouding up now and we should get some fairly heavy rain tonight . MM
  15. These modern day combines, and even the not so modern can tell them just about everything to do with the crop they are cutting by a press of a button , those ole time farmers certainly knew when the crop was ready for combining , one chap I knew would take a few ears of corn then roll them about in his hand , blow the chaff off and he could tell if it was ready or not , another ole boy wasn't up to that , he had an ole combine ( and still got it ) that is now classed as a classic vehicle with only a 15ft cutting head , his next door neighbour had a fairly up to date combine and when he made a start he then knew his crop was also ready , although I think he has now bought himself one of those little hand grinders which tell you the results . MM
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