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Remembrance Sunday


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The first wolrd war resulted in the most part from a web of imperialistic and nationalistic treaties and obligations built up to protect a ruling elite from mostly paranoid fears of invasion by their european neighbours.


Most men who died in that war died at the behest of their masters since virtually one of the non officer class had the vote and so their politicians were masters not elected representatives.


The second world war sprang from the rise of various facist regimes that showed no sign of stopping of their own accord and had to be stopped by the sane.


Seems we don't learn as UKIP is trying to stampede the horses to get the conservatives to dismanlte a peaceful but expensive european alliance while the right wing parties around the UK and europe seek to frighten the niave by shouting foreigners much as they shouted jacobites in days of old.


Europe, including the UK, isn't perfect but it is propserous and peaceful by any historical standard and that prosperity and security was bought with a down payment by our soldiers, now stop complaining and keep up the payments!

How are UKIP stampeding the horses please explain!

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But at least "Britain First" are trying to do something to keep Britain for British. Most people just sit back and let our freedom and heritage dissappear.


Please tell me you are joking? Knuckle dragging Neanderthal nazi wannabes. As someone has already said, we fought a war to defeat fascist extremism like this.


Back on topic


I'm ex service and a member of the RBL riders branch. Not a particularly active member, but I do try to support the the legion as best as I can, especially this time of year :good:

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The RBL is not political or religious. (It is a multi faith organisation).

It is pro the military but only in as much as we support the guys before, during and after operations and try to chivvy whichever government that we have at the time to ensure that service personnel, and their families, are looked after as per the unwritten covenant.


Where and who the government choose to fight is a political decision.


Blunderbuss - I have had some small dealings with the riders branch and they are superb in what they do.


I went to a local school yesterday to talk about the work of the Legion and why we use the poppy symbol. Kids were five to ten years old. I was amazed at their interest and understanding. Some of the questions I was asked by these youngsters were truly intellectual. How do prosthetic limbs work - for example.

They all seemed to know about members of their extended families who had served, or been killed or wounded.

One little girl told me her Granddad had been in the war and had a knife stuck in his leg. I asked her if he survived OK and she calmly informed me that Granddad had shot the bad man in the chest and himself died just last year. She didn't know which war. She is about eight.


Never boring at a school...

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I am serving Raf. I whole heartedly support the RBL, the work is fantastic.

It's so easy to almost let buying a poppy be routine. You see the RBL and naturaly if there is change the poppy is purchased. We are i expect all guilty of this, but there is no excuse for not reambering. Those who went through unimaginable horror for us to be able to just nip down the shops and buy a poppy.


I like to consider my self a patriot, however, nothing not one bit about Britain First done consider patriotic. The action of them using the poppy in there hate campaign of biggotry is compleatly disrespectful of what the poppy stands for.

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