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Left handed person shooting right handed gun PART 2


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I posted on here a few weeks back asking if I could shoot well with a right handed gun on my left shoulder !


Kindly bakerboy offered to have a look at the gun and my shooting at the A1 shooting ground


Well I found out that the gun only has a very slight cast and I shot alright ! Also found out I'm right eye dominant but I only feel comfortable shooting of my left shoulder and do well enough that way ! He even got me hitting clays of the tower which was a suprise to me because I can never hit them !!


I must say a big thank you to him for spending his time helping me out ! Just knowing the gun fit isn't bad improved my shooting !


Not sure every one knows but I'm 16 and this was a borrowed gun and when I went to return it to my uncle he said I'm welcome to the gun so I don't have to buy my own now I can just go get that one !!



On a side note does anyone on here shoot at A1 and is there ever a pigeon watch meet there ?

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Hi Raphael.


If your Uncle has another that he would want me to look after I will gladly do so :yes: .


You are a lucky young man that is one very beautiful gun you now own.


You shot very well, and your smile when hitting the targets off the tower was a joy to see.

Keep up the practise and you will do well.



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