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bobby t

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if i were to put lead into the stock of a gunn would this then liven up the handling by correcting muzzle heavyness? reason i ask is that i have a b525 and picked up a cynergy to compare and found the handling totally different, the cynergy was not at all muzzle heavy, does the balance point also translate in feel as the cynergy is lower in profile? or do too many people worry about how tall their actions are and that they make no difference?

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go careful when doing that, i would start with a roll of coins, adding or subtracting as nessasary.


a 525 and cynergy are two totaly different guns, stock action profile feel and balance.

were the barrel lengths the same?? and so on.


exactly what is it your trying to do ??, which gun are you using, or are going to use ?? .


when you know that then you can fiddle with the balance and swing characteristics of the gun.


my advice,,, dont go overboard with the weight in the stock, the last thing you want is a stock heavy gun.


most imo will use a slightly muzzle heavy attitude, this will also give you more control of the muzzles when swinging through on a target, obviously an over weighted muzzle will act like a runaway train and will need a boat anchor to stop it,


with the roll of coins and a srewdriver go to your local range and shoot a bunch of same targets adjusting your swing weight accordingly, it will take you a little while to adjust to each change, dont think your going to cure it in 5 mins, you wont, allow the gun to dictate to you the mechanics of what your looking for, dont anticipate a fix find the right one, once you have that you can lock your roll of coins inplace with a spacer made of something like Balsa wood.


good luck, any questions give me a shout :good:



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