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scope problems


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a mate called today to ask advise on a second user scope he had fit to a .17 rimmie. zeroed at 100 yds bullet on bullet, moved the parallax adjuster to infinity and the bullets go 4 inch high.

had a look through it and when the pa is set on a 100 yards,a 100 yard target is slightly out of focus, put it to infin and 100 yds becomes clear.

i think it has been used on a air rile and been re parrelaxed.

but would this make it behave like it did.

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Paralax will change point of impact. What it basically is is movement of the sight picture relativce to the crosshairs i think :stupid: .


What you could do i suppose is set the object at 50yards and set the AO to 50 and move the objective lenses till it gives a clear picture.


Part of the problem could be focusing of the eyebell. Some scope require it to fix it look through the scope at a blank surface and set the paralax to the correct distance and focus the eyebell until a clear picture is obtained then lock it. I'm not talking about a euro fast focus eyebell im talking about rotating the whole eyebell.


What scope is it?

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