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New web sites


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Hi Everyone,

I have been busy acquiring new skills. I remember a lecture on IT while I was at college, who must be dead by now, saying that no one in the lecture theatre would ever own their own computer!!!!.(It was a while ago!) He also said he expected them to be reduced in size from the size of a room to the size of a desk!!

There is a moral here – don’t predict what might happen in the IT industry as it may come back and bite you when you get it wrong – a bit like weather forecasting!

Anyway I have lost count of how many computers I have had but I still feel I am a visitor to the digital age so branching out into new fields is something of an adventure for me. However I have managed to build several new web sites – some of which you may find interesting – others you may not.


I have linked the original domain name for South Worcester Shooting Ground…


to the new web site….



I have created a specific web site to introduce new comers to shooting. It also covers gift vouchers, corporate days and private parties of all kinds.



To keep the sites uncluttered I have also created one devoted to cartridge and clay sales plus a few other items. If you are looking for a good deal on cartridges or clays and live within a reasonable travelling distance take a look. Sorry but we can’t deliver cartridges or small quantities of clays at the moment.



Many of you will know of my association with the Perrins Owners Club - catering for owners of these guns made in Worcester and Windsor during the Victorian era. Our original web builder was unable to continue so the site wasn’t updated for a few years. Well I set about completely starting from scratch. If you like looking at and reading about these lovely old guns then have a look at…


If you have a Perrins gun please get in touch – I would love to hear from you.


One last thing.

We are planning another web site to cover all the other gun makers/retailers from Worcestershire. So if you have a gun, cartridges or paraphernalia associated with Worcestershire Roger would love to hear from you. Such makers as Pollard, Whiteman and Thacker come to mind but there must be others.

If you have any information please contact Roger by sending me a PM.



I think it is safe to say that whatever developments we think will take place in the area of computers – it will be far exceeded and faster than you think.


Edited by oldfarmer
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