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I have been offered a pape s/s 12b at what i think is a very reasonable price,but i have a few concerns.


The gun is over 100 year old,will it need reproofing?


What should i be looking for with regards to barrels?


What would the market value of a gun like this be?It is in its original leather case,with all cleaning rods etc..

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If you can buy a Pape in good condition of that age you are indeed lucky and I am sure it will serve you well for many years to come.


Take a general look at the gun and see if anything stands out as odd or altered.

The wood should be proud where it sits against the metalwork without splits, shakes or pieces missing. Be careful to look closely at any areas that are obviously 'painted in' on the wood to try to disguise problems. This is most important around the 'hand' and esp from the end of the backstrap to the comb.


Take off the barrels and look down from the muzzle end. Are there any pits between the barrels? If so check to see how deep they are. These are the worst as they are often actual holes between the rib area. That area contains corrosive solder flux and can eat through to the barrel surface from between the ribs.


Take a piece of wire with you 14" long sharpened at the end to a point and bent over at 90 degrees about ½" from the end. You can easily feel the depth of any pits that way.


Hold the barrels with an outstretched finger under the hook of the lump so they hang down in front of you and flick them each barrel in turn to ensure they ring like a chime. If not the ribs may be loose and that will be a £300 ish job.


Don't worry too much about proof so long as the action/barrels are tight and the barrels pretty clean it should go through proof again without too many problems and will be worth it.


The forend should not be loose and when the gun is opened it should not become loose. If it does the 'knuckle' is oval and this will be expensive to rectify.


There should be no free play in the top lever and when the barrels shut the gun should clunk nicely. The thickness of a human hair should stop the top lever going home if the gun is tight and crisp. Check.

If that doesnâ't work try to pull the barrels off the action whilst looking at a light behind. Can you see daylight? If the face of the barrels and the action show a strip of daylight then it is 'off the face' and will need 'setting back' and will be around £100-125.for the work.


If you can it really needs stripping down before you say yes so you can see the inner workings and their condition?


Can you post some pictures?


If it is a nice gun it could well be worth spending a few quid even after having bought it.


If I can help with more specific info PM me and we can have a chat on the phone.

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