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My Fiances Boxer dog sadly had to be put down the other day. We are looking at getting a new dog and we have been looking at both Weimaraner's and Hungarian Vizsla. I have taken a liking to the Weimaraner. Been reading up on them all day and they seem like an amazing dog.Has anyone else got one of these or had experience with them??


Thanks :good:

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If you're experienced with dogs, prefrebly HPR's a Weimaraner will be a great dog, intelligant, loyal, workable. However, they are one of the most dominant HPR breeds and need to be kept in hand and if given the chance will rule the roost, they hate being left alone to the point of becoming quite frantic, and they can be very highly strung.


Again with all HPR breed dogs you'll need a secure garden, be able to give it lots of free running exercise, and have time to devote to training.


I don't have any experience with vizlas, but the ones I've seen have been absolutely stunning looking. They're up there on my list of dogs I want next.

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Cheers for the speedy replies chaps!! :good:


I think we will definately have to take a look at the vizsla's aswell. that is my fiance's favourite at the moment. They are a little smaller than the Weimarana's aswell which would probably be better and they are a very stunning dog, quite similar to the weis aswell I think.


Thanks again!! :lol:

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well, we had a look at a few different breeds and finally decided to go with the Weimaraner. She is called Bella (I wanted Mica but she had the final say lol)


Here she is (not a very good pic, I know. Taken off a camera phone and she never stays still lol) :



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I think these dogs are absouletely BEAUTIFUL.........................


They just look so graceful, the coat, eyes, the whole thing......................





Wife thinks she has a complex between her and Jasper.......She would be out on her ear for a Wier...........

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You're in for some fun!


Keep on top of the training, lots of early socialization, lots of exercise and you'll be fine. I'd also recommend joining a gundog club, there's loads about and most hold monthly training days. I know the German Shorthaired Pointer Club accept associate members who own other breeds.


There's a goldmine of information out there, including this site!

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Cheers everyone! I think she is gorgeous. She is a bit of a terror but we are trying to teach her right from wrong. Think it will take a couple more weeks yet. We have been looking at taking her to some obediance classes. The vet reccomended a paricular one in our area as being very good and for only £40 for 6 hours (group sessions) I think the price is OK aswell. She did come from a very good breed aswell. (gunalt I think) so hopefully, fingers crossed she will be spot on once I start getting her in the field :lol:

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