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gun fitting


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No one can really answer if it will help a lot, "about right" covers a lot of measurements and if you fit in the category of people that an off the shelf gun is about right then gun fitting is a waste of money. If on the other hand you don't fit in that category it might be money well spent.


What you have to remember is unless you have a personal preference on how you want your gun setting up you are relying on the person fitting the gun.


This is the problem, go to 10 different gun fitters and you will probably get 10 different ideas on gun fit along with a jones adjuster thrown in for good measure, they can't all be right.


I have seen people get a gun fitted then go and see someone else some time later on only to be told the gun still doesn't fit and needs altering.


If someone is charging you money just for fitting it is not in their best interest to tell you the gun you have is ok, it's not a good business plan. If you go for a lesson with someone but it incorporates making sure the gun is ok they have no axe to grind they can spend the time you have paid for teaching you to shoot or getting the measurements right. Either way they don't have to use smoke and mirrors to justify their fee.

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It usually costs nothing to have a word wit a gun fitter . I only charge for work carried out . I also tell people that take my advice that if I have got it wrong I will put it back to original FOC .

Biggest problem in my experience is that many shooting "coaches"tell you what they like not what is right for you.

An example of this is a man who likes long stocks advise a customer to have his stock lengthened when in actual fact he needed more cast .

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