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Ladder Trap Question

new to the flock

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Have done a search and see that you lot use them for crows, rooks, and jackies. My question is would these traps work on Starlings and Grackles, or are these birds too small?


These two pests are all around my house, and nest in every nook and cranny and then proceed to steel my mulberries and currents just as they rippen. It is nothing to see 200 in my mulberry tree, the theiving blitters. :good: I obviously would not start until the young are fledged, but I am hoping that this may be a means of control. The birds will not be wasted as they will go into black bird pies.



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If you can place bait inside that they like, and they'll go for I would imagine all you'd have to do is make the entance holes smaller NTTF (then again maybe someone will have a species specific trap for you). For greycrows mine are 5" x 6", keeps them in, lets the maggies out though. Do a little bit of experimenting :good: They're not at all hard to make.


Like you mention, the species you're after are small birds. You could use thin dowels for the rungs of the ladder. I drilled holes in the sides of my ladder I think 2" apart so I could change the size of the openings at will, just space them tighter on yours giving room to adjust slightly up or down in size, inch or 1/2" would give you good flexibility I'd imagine (without losing any strength in the ladder sides), experiment like I said. You'll know best yourself as you see these birds a lot. Also on my ladder I used some snare wire, twine or something like that would also work IMO. The ladder is actually 20 or 21" wide, so I strung 4 bits of wire along it's length to get my 5" X 6" openings.


Hope that helps you a bit.

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