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more night vision!!

Hendrix's rifle

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Hello all, as the title suggests I need some help with night vision. I have been looking in to the 'near eye' set up purely to get rid of that big screen. Finding a tiny screen however is proving rather difficult. Obviously I don't have loads to spend to cheaper the better! Any ideas where I could source one? Needs to be around an inch or so, cheers :)

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Simplest way is by using the CRT viewfinder from an old camcorder. Very cheap to buy and easy to wire up, although they are very voltage sensitive so you need a simple voltage regulator to get a clear image.


The best ones are the black and white type from the 1990s as the colour ones have lower resolution. Older ones tend to be better as they have separate wires rather than ribbon cables - much easier to work with.


The alternative is to use new oled viewfinders but they are expensive.

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