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Wad substitution

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No you cant or, better said, you can't without adjusting it and proofing it first.


the different design and compound of the wad will affect the performance and, most importantly the ballistic of the shell making it potentially dangerous. So, if you need to make the change you need to adjust the powder and lead recipes and then proofing it to see what effects the changes have made to the recipes


The design of the Steel wad makes the column of pellets sit very low which means the column start moving as soon as the primer explodes; the SG wad sits on a shock absorber to help the powder burn and generate enough pressure to move the column forward.


Steel wads are made of tougher plastic which make them stiffer and gives them the ability to raise pressure, the Super G are softer which makes them more sensitive to the pressure


so, completely different reactions to the same action which cannot be forecasted make the shell uncontrollable and dangerous.


Also, chances are that the same quantity of pellets used with the Steel wad will not fit in the SG wad as they have different depths

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