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House training


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Got new pup, love her but wife ****** off, got new carpet and sofa same week, bad timing i know.

she is good with no 2 but no 1 is any where do i smack her when she does it or shout or can some one else suggest an thing about house training. I know she is just a baby but any help will make life more sufferable

Thank you :good:

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I personally do not like to paper train puppys. The reason being that you train them to pee in your house then you train them not to pee in your house. What my wife and I do is; everytime the puppy wakes up take it out side...when she pees,(and she will) tell her good girl and give her lots of praise. We also put a command ,(go pee), to it so that the dog learns to empty when told, this saves frustration and time when the dog is older and you are in a hurry. Besides taking her out as soon as she wakes, she will need to go out right after eating or drinking, a play period (remember the harder she plays the shorter the time she will hold it) and every hour inbetween that she is awake. Which brings us to sleep time, (yours not hers), CRATE HER. Teach her to spend the night in a crate. If you are using a full size crate block it of so that she only has enough room to lay down comfortably, turn around in and sit in. Any more room than this and she will have an area that she will use for a washroom. As soon as you let her out of the crate in the morning take her outside.


Crate training is not mean or nasty on the contrary, the dogs accept the crate as their den, it is where they go to be left alone for quiet time, it becomes their safe place. If you have to travel or fly, or your dog needs to spend time at the vets, then she is already use to being in a crate and there is no added stress to her.


As for a time period this usually takes around a week to become ingrained in the pup, at which time you can start to teach her to ask to go out, or to ring a buzzer to go out. Remember which ever method you choose praise, praise, praise.




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Hi Stet


When i was training my ESS we used nappy mats which you can buy from any pet store and placed about 3 or 4 in the kitchen in a line close to the back door. when he was just about to wee, we'd pick him up and place him on the mat and say go mess. After he'd finished we would praise him and make a big fuss. I kept doing this for about 2, 3 weeks till he got the message. He did Relapse a few times but i just started the training again. I never smacked him or told him off just ignored him if he didn't mess on the mats. It takes a lot of patients and persistents but it does pay off. Let me know how you get on.



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