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Bagshot, Surrey

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I am new to Bagshot. I moved here after being medically discharged from the military after being shot in Afghnistan...


I am looking for any permissions nearby, am willing to travel around half hour. I am also willing to help Beat or Pick up if needed.


I am a member of Shooting for heroes who are putting us through many courses, like Shotgun skills, introducing us to many established shoots and will be doing our DS1 deer stalking certificate soon.


I have BASC and CA insurance.


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!


Thank you in advance,



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There are a few current and ex military on here, so you should feel welcome. However: Bagshot????

I used to date a girl from there. Seriously doubt you'll have much joy there - shooting-wise anyway (short comely Spaniards on the other hand,,,, well I'm a gent and won't talk but,,,, ;0).

I'm sure you'll hear this again and again: knock on (farm) doors, be polite, take 'no's' gracefully, don't be pushy, leave your number, keep knocking.


Once you get your first perm in, work on the neighbours. If you are only offered rats, take it, show your worth, reliability and good sense - it'll pay off.


Oh and my main 2p worth:,,,, Rabbits sit down wind of hedges.

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