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Spotlamp..few questions before buying?


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So i was going to buy one of the TR torches online from a L. Lumens website. They have a few 'bundle' options but I'm unsure what to go for. I basically want something that i can use on my CF for foxes but will mostly be used for rimfire work.


I thought the TR67 might be a good middle of the road option? They go from TR20 to 75 I think.


Filter options are Red single mode or red 3 mode? I have no idea what the difference is?


Is the windage elevation/adjustible mount much better?


I have the choice of uf3600ma , samsung 2600ma, panasonic ncr3400 for batteries? I assume the panasonics are the best as they are more expensive?


I'll need to buy a battery charger as well. If anyone has any advice on any of the above it would be greatly appreciated. If not I can bell them tomorrow but it would be nice to get some first hand experiences off here. Basically I dont want to buy the wrong stuff or order 9/10ths of the gear and realise theres something critical missing.



Totally lost with this at the moment.



Many thanks!



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I have the t67 3 stage with red pill in it

3 stage means press the on off switch quickly and the power changes from low to medium to high.

I got the Panasonic batteries for mine they are the best ones to go for much brighter. The charger was the one Andy sent me from ludicrous lumes and that works fine. I have the figure of 8 clamp to fix it to the scope. It has no adjustment but seams to work fine. If in doubt give Andy a call at ludicrous lumes he is a top bloke and very helpful

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