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.17hmr Crow Bashing


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Well i went out, as this is going to be my last week, hoping to get a good bag. The farmer has started to cut for silage, so i took out the CZ.17hmr. Scanning the fields i could see a good number of crows, but they were in a field that was full of cows I stalked along a line of trees, and stood for a while to see if any would present a decent shot, but there was a slight crest so the only option was to get into the field and crawl until i had a good vantage point to shoot from. As soon as igot into the field the cows headed over to see what i was up to, i was on my belly so kept making my way forward, and the cows formed a semi-circle behind me, sniffing and snorting :/





The crows didn't seem to care at all, and just carried on feeding, then i spotted one that was a safe shot, at 99yards, so i put the cross hairs on him and squeezed off the shot, "Whack" one dead crow






I was hoping to get a few more but the farmer was cutting four different fields, so they were off to a different one every time i tried to get within range

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