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222 moderator

bunny bagger

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There are more options these days than ever before, you just have to decide how much you want to spend.

I don't think (I don't know either, so verify it with someone who has one) that the .222 will take masses of moderating to silence it, you may be able to get away with a T4 or similar.


If your gun isn't threaded it will cost anywhere froma bout £50 to £120 depending on who you take it to, and if you want it re-proofed or not. The mod could be anywhere from £180 upwards for new - get hold of a copy of Gunmart for the best prices arround at the time.


If I knew I was going to moderate a rifle I would go for a heavy barrel and get it chopped as well as threaded - but that is just me, others may have different views, you will be adding up to about 2lbs to the end of the barrel so just think about what that will do the handling and balance.

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