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Went up to Clitheroe castle yesterday very nice visit with the kids paid for a yearly pass £20 for there and four other museums really good displays in there, didn't realise how big otters are showing stuffed animals birds kids loved it.


Now before we went in on the way up thought I saw a crow with a sparrow, me and little lad followed along then realised it was a thrush, thought it was a chick but only the male was mobbing the crow to no effect so it could have been the female it was hard to tell. The crow simply hopped about with the thrush in its beak plucking and hammering it as went from branch to branch, can only describe it as death by jack hammer.


I have seen magpies take chicks out of nests and chasing small birds but wouldn't have thought a crow could catch a female thrush.


Little lad was mesmerized watching then telling mum all about it.

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