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About Mice!

  • Birthday 01/09/1976

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  1. If this was .177 I'd be popping round tomorrow and just shoot lefty 👍👍
  2. That's brilliant, I'll bet she's got a degree 🤣🤣
  3. I was just going to say this, there's probably all sorts of grim news out there, but I'm not looking for it.
  4. You poor dear 🤣🤣 there's always multiple events going on at the athletics, you just need to focus on one thing otherwise you see nothing.
  5. I can imagine I'd get a proper kicking if I tried grabbing a gun while queuing for lunch next week, and quite rightly, if they've tried getting a weapon then things are going to be very heated. Hopefully there's more video footage comes out at some point
  6. I was just asking because it wouldn't make the news over here if something happened in NI, if people new that having a go at Armed police meant they were likely to get shot it's not going to happen, drawing their weapon is the last resort over here.
  7. How many draw and fire their weapon each year?? I see armed police every week around work, its only recently that I've noticed they aren't all big coppers like they used to be, I can well imagine someone thinking I'll get that gun off of her, so then it's an attacker armed with a pistol, a taser is no good then. My eyes weren't swollen shut the last time my nose was broken, and I can smell round corners.
  8. She looks about 16 years old!! Lack of evidence, well she clearly fell onto his fist then!! That only happens one way, someone punches, head butt's or elbows you in the nose, you don't get two black eyes and a broken nose from a scuffle. Exactly. They'll get paid off.
  9. They certainly are! I've only seen a brief bit of this on the news, all blurred out so I don't know why they bother. Everything is filmed these days, there's no getting away from that. If the WPC had just had her nose broken I've no doubt the blokes would get defensive, it's the same in any work place, it's all well and good saying men and women are equal but life doesn't work like that. I also don't know why these clips get shown before the investigation has taken place, there could have been all sorts gone on before what we've seen, but they show the bad bit which makes the police look awful.
  10. South of France was about 35°C the other day
  11. Love the Olympics, there is such a variety of sports to watch, from stuff people will have done to completely random events. It's so good to watch the athletes compete knowing that for most it's likely been a four year slog to get to this point and could be the highlight of their career. Just don't know why they've included events like tennis and golf, there's more than enough events for them already
  12. Jumping to conclusions?? Nut job with a knife targeted a man in uniform, stabbed him multiple times and was it seems followed home by a member of the public where he was subsequently arrested, that's about as open and shut as a case could be, its just a shame he wasn't shot. The two cases could not be more dissimilar. Like the bloke in Wigan last week stabbing someone on the street, and everywhere else it's happening, arresting these people isn't stopping it, knowing your going to risk the armed police turning up and shooting first should make people think.
  13. Exactly. They should have sent ten squaddies with baseball bats to arrest him!
  14. I heard on the news yesterday that a soldier had been stabbed and thought how has this happened again? Soldiers are taught to defend themselves unlike a lot of Joe public. Then you find out this guy has travelled on a moped till he's found a soldier in uniform and attacked him, that's a targeted attack all day long, he's clearly gone out with the intention of attacking a soldier not just anybody. The usual suspects saying it could have been this or that should be ashamed of themselves, there's simply no defending attacks like these, and the authorities trying to cover it up saying mental health aren't fooling anyone. If things keep going like this how long before there's a push for more armed police on our streets?
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