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Well, I Have To Say....


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Hats off to TSB.


I phoned this morning about a credit card dispute. A very helpful lady told me exactly what to do via e-mail (was given a choice of method, post or e-mail). This I sent. Had an immediate reply asking for a little more info' which I, again, duly sent. A pause of no more than ten minutes and I was notified that the money was temporarily refunded - if the firm wish to argue the toss then I'll be informed but as they didn't bother replying to any of my e-mails, they may not, and after a period, the temporary becomes permanent if they don't respond. It did turnout that I had already taken the actions which the Bank would have asked me to do before they got involved which made things easier


For my money (it very nearly was) shop at Classic British Styles at your peril.

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