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Called one of my permissions this morning to ask if there was anything about and was told that the Rooks were on the newly sown Lucerne.

A quick gain of permission from HWMBO and l was over within the hour and yes they were having a field day.

The sun was up and it was getting pretty hot so was looking for some shade, now this is normally easy to find as there are usually plenty of trailers about to hide behind, but no our farmer has had a "tidy up" and he's moved everything around ready for the up and coming harvest.

Eventually set up behind a tractor unit which gave plenty of shade put out the decoys and sat back with a cold drink to await the return of the Rooks.

An hour later and they are watching from the overhead power cables, ******, don't think they are coming back in, couple of pigeons come in for a look and are dispatched which sends everything up in the air from the overheads, it's going to be one of those days l know it.

Heats building up when all of a sudden the Rooks come in from behind, crafty *******, they continue for the next two hours along with the odd Crow, taking them down nicely with a few going down in the adjacent Barley field then all of a sudden it all stops, nothing coming in at all, it's now 16:00 and l'm supposed to be going to another perm for some Rabbit shooting.

Collect up 22 Rooks, 2 Crows, 2 Pigeons, l know there's 3 Rooks in the Barley so in all a good afternoon, by the time l have cleared up and packed away the Rabbits can have their fun tonight as all l need is a shower and a cold beer.

Farmer was happy and informed me that he should be cutting the middle of next week, roll on the pigeons!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like a frustrating but in the end, enjoyable afternoon. Never shot Lucerne before and not even sure what it looks like. I had a reasonable few hours a couple of Saturdays back, on barley with cut grass edging. Was under some trees with a road behind very close, but using the moderated 20 and being picky on which birds I took, ended up with 29; best for ages. Corvids can be so tricky and even when they do come over, those slow beggars can still catch one out. I'm moving my classic VW business workshop at the moment, so not much shooting for as while (typical with it being harvest time) but on the positive side, our new shop is on a farm so hoping for more permission in the future. Nice report dude

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