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Cracking hours shooting

BSA Shaun

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Went out with my mate the other night for a quick hours shoot.


Was alking along the hedgerow when I noticed a crow sat in the field next door, crept along a bit, put the lightning through a gap in the hedge and POP. Funny thing was he sat up for about 10 seconds before dropping stone dead comedy style :good:

Chuffed as, my first crow.


We carried on walking and decided to cut into the wood, to try and get some magpies we have been after for a few weeks. Anyway we stalked all down through the wood till we had said magpies very very close. Was looking through the scope trying to see them and could just see tail feathers sticking out from behind a thick branch, no shot. Decided to scan the tree and bingo a big fat woodie. POP, thump. Which was met by my mate saying "did you get one, did you?", nope just a big woodie.


Having had these two we decided to call it a night, on the way back to the landy there is a hell of a racket coming from one of the trees up ahead, so I snuck under cover and found my shot, POP another crow, couldn't believe it.


They are all prepared and in mates freezer, going to have a hell of a BBQ.


Happy as the proverbial Larry :yes:

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Mmmmmmmm BBQ crow :good::sick:


Don't knock it 'til you have tried it. Then throw up :lol:


I have eaten it but would not again, the Victorians used to go and pull the nests apart and eat the branchers (the young rooks) and put them in a pie. There was a cokery programme on last week which I did no see that cooked the branchers. Meant to taste like venison.

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