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Night Shooting in the rain


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Now then fellas,

I dont know what the weathers been like where you are, but its been ******* it down all day here :blink:

But was I about to let this put me off having a mooch out tonight? I think not!

So I donned my water-proofs and wax jacket and went for a wander around the fields.

It was a bit thin on the ground with the rain being so heavy, I had to use my sunshade to keep the rain off the objective lens and kept a lens cloth in my pocket to periodicly wipe the eye peice.

I soon spotted a couple of ra ra's playing on a sand-bank next to a corn field (Tim you know where I mean mate) I managed to get close enough for a shot, but as I raised the butt of my rife up to my shoulder it caught some velcro on my jacket! :lol: gutted.

I then sauntered around to the corner of the same field, poked my head up over another sand bank and caught sight of a big buck caning the corn in the field - the last thing in the world he was expecting was a bisley mag to the side of his head :lol:

After that I decided to leg out opposite the same burrows as last week to see if I could utilise the natural light again to full effect.

Worked a treat, a phone call to the missus to 'check in' (get whinged at) and a couple of brews from the flask later I had 2 more bucks in the bag.

I had planned on using the lamp aswell, but my stomach had other ideas and I headed home for some tea.

Bad weather can sometimes be off-putting, but it wasnt enough to stop these 3 big ******* getting slotted :blush:


p.s I've just added a brass bolt handle to the S200, thoroughly recommend it! the firing action is loads quieter and feels so much more solid than the plastic bolt :good:

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If im prepared for it, then I actually quite enjoy it.

The rain often helps blend you into your background, makes you more difficult to spot and helps cover up any noise you might make and you can often catch quarry by suprise as they are'nt expecting you to be out on a rainy night :lol:

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