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As there is quite a few threads on here regarding the ESCORT semi's reliability, good or bad etc I thought I would post a thread regarding my recent service from them over a warranty repair.


The spring steel u clip Which holds the action bar (Part No Z1 in the manual) together over the recoil spring, broke two saturdays ago. I took it back to the RFD on the following monday, He posted it back that same day to their base in macclesfield and it was duely returned by the Friday of the same week.


If you think about it a day of that is lost either side due to posting, so they had it a total of 3 days at their base in Macclesfield before it was returned.


I personally think that was good service, at the time of the breakdown I was peeved and said all the usual things 'Should have bought a Browning, Beretta' but to be honest the same mechanical part is on all Gas operated Auto shotguns so could happen with any other semi.


Lets face guys how many times do we take something in to our Gunsmiths and it is the old saying 'Leave it over there and we get round to it'


And it is still there 3 months later....................


Regards starlight32

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