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Last day of the season


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Well today was our final day of the season same set up with me leading one team and my dad leading the other.  Once teams were picked we loaded up and headed off .

My team was to walk first and we had a long walk to sneak around the wood we were doing and blank the surrounding ground in . This drive is a wood with a 6 acre maize strip running away from it that we usually blank the wood into the cover crop then push  the cover crop up a hill to the guns standing in a small valley but today we blanked the cover crop in and pushed the wood out the front which worked a treat and we really got round these sneaky old cock birds. As we pushed the wood through plenty shoots were ringing out the front and my team also had a few coming back . It was a fantastic drive to start and added 20 to the bag straight away !! Brilliant way to start the morning and most  people had had a shot .

Next we were stood as a small cover crop was brought down this held a good number of birds but with the low sun and no wind most kept low and escaped but one made a beeline straight for me and was folded up well in front to my first shot of the day . Was happy to see my brother take one beside me as well .

Then it was another long walk for my team as it was so still with a hard frost we took the long walk round drives to avoid spooking the pheasants.   We finally arrived at the back of the next wood to be pushed . This drive has been pretty quiet this season but held a few today which climbed nicely as this wood is situated on top of a hill and the front guns added a couple here.  I fired 2 shots for a jackdaw that came over I was taken by surprise and rushed the first shot but there was no mistake second .

 Last drive before lunch and we were to stand a very small wood but as we were making our way to the front we saw 4 cock birds run out across the middle.of the field even though we had a stop on the hedge.  There was still a few birds in the drive that went over my neighbouring gun but he was unsuccessful at adding any . I took two barrels and a very long bird he had missed but think I heard him scoff and my attempt.

  We then headed back to the yard and had a fantastic lunch.  Then it was off to the start of 3 drives this afternoon in a very large wood we have.  Well first was the cover crop outside of the wood which my team walked . A few cock birds were  flushed and another couple added to the bag.  Next we were standing as a big block of wood was driven down to us . I thought we we blank the ground in to our pegs and shoot on the walk up.  Well here I shot a cracking 50 yard crosser which after a bit of a chase was retrieved and brought to had. Also took a single shot at a very long bird . I sent my guns to stand on peg but told them to keep a eye out behind as I was blanking in a bit of ground behind them . Which worked well and i pushed 2 birds out to my team that were both added then they turned and face the front where some more birds came through and a few more were put in the bag

 Last drive of the season was a long walk up the side of the drive just done to get to the other side of the wood we were going to drive.  This drive was full of birds and as we were halfway through a cock birds flushed and headed for me and he was taken with a nice over the head shot . We carried on down and there were birds everywhere flying back left right and forward providing both teams plenty of shooting.  I took my 4th and last birds of the day crossing right to left . He was hit hard first and crumpled to my second.  This was a fantastic drive to end the season with with around 15 birds added . I was over the moon . We ended the day 53 head . I had 4 pheasants and a jackdaw so was pleased with how my season ended

A few who remained after the shoot went out to do some roosting.  With myslef taking 9 pigeons and everyone having a great roost and everyone getting  some pigeons .

Well that's the end of the season . Hope Every one had a good one and we can now look forward to next.

All the best 


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